research and project organization

PDFHow to collect reference imagesSilhouettes, source materials, historical inspiration, colors, researchNike Lemercier (World is Still Beautiful)
PDFHow to create a cosplay breakdownBreakdowns, project organizationRimuru Tempest (That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slime)
Kite (.hack//Games)
ImageBreakdown: Lulu costumeBreakdowns, exampleStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)
ImageBreakdown: Lulu staffBreakdowns, exampleStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)
PDFBreakdown: Violet EvergardenBreakdowns, exampleViolet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
VideoHow to find cosplay tutorialsSearch terms, researchGeneral
PDFCosplay tool: TrelloProject organization, free toolsGeneral
PDFCosplaying with parents aroundChaperones, crafting at home, “mature” cosplaysGeneral
PostManaging WIP WorkloadProject prioritizationGeneral

judging – build books, pre-judging videos

PostTips for Build BooksBuild BookZofis (Zatchbell!!), General
PDFZofis – Colossal Con East 2024Build bookZofis (Zatchbell!!!)
VideoZofis – Prejudging 2024Prejudging videoZofis (Zatchbell!!!)
PDFNike – Colossal Con East 2022Build bookNike Lemercier (World is Still Beautiful)
VideoNike – Prejudging 2022Prejudging videoNike Lemercier (World is Still Beautiful)
PDFViolet – Colossal Con East 2021Build bookViolet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
VideoViolet – Prejudging 2021Prejudging videoViolet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
PDFJudging Book (no convention)Build bookYukina – Original Design (Yu Yu Hakusho)
PDFRimuru – Colossal Con East 2019Build bookRimuru Tempest (That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slime)
PDFLulu – LCS x State FarmBuild bookStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)
PDFLulu – Colossal Con East 2018Build bookStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)

Wigs and makeup

PDFUpside Down Wig TutorialWig, extreme styling, spikingBeautiful Suzuki / Suzuka (Yu Yu Hakusho)
PDFTransforming wigWig, updo, casual, quick changeNike Lemercier (World is Still Beautiful)

Sewing – patterns, construction, details

VideoRhinestone patternsSewing, rhinestones, beadingNike Lemercier (World is Still Beautiful)
ImageStage ninja mask patternAccessories, mask, stage ninja, patternGeneral stage ninja
ImageCustom fabric pillowProps, pillow, custom fabric printKing (Seven Deadly Sins)
ImageColor blocked hoodie pattern tutorialSewing, pattern, hoodieKing (Seven Deadly Sins)
ImageHoodie sewing tutorialSewing, hoodieKing (Seven Deadly Sins)
PDFSpat boot cover tutorialSewing, pattern, boot cover, pleather, lace up, heelsViolet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
PDFVictorian day dress and cropped jacket patternSewing, pattern, dress, cropped jacket, military collar, bustleViolet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
VideoTailored jacket finishingSewing, hems, finishing, seams, liningViolet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
VideoPlus-size silhouettesDigital tools, planning, silhouette, plus sizeCafe Cute Lulu (League of Legends)
VideoAdjusting a dress formPlus size, draping, sewingAnne Halford (Sugar Apple Fairy Tale)
VideoSaving scrapsSewing, sustainability, recycleGeneral
PDFGradient Dye FormulaDyeing, gradient planningHannah Alexander Tanjiro (Demon Slayer)
PDFFound hoodie projectDyeing, found cosplay modifications, HTVTrafalgar Law (One Piece)

Props – PVC, EVA foam, wire, wood, painting

PDFKatana tutorialProps, sword, katana, wood carving, worbla, sheathRimuru Tempest (That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slime)
VideoMagical girl staff – patterningProps, staff, magical girl, patterning, proportionsStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)
VideoMagical girl staff – core structureProps, staff, magical girl, PVC pipe, EVA foamStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)
VideoMagical girl staff – surface preparationProps, staff, magical girl, wood filler, gesso, primingStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)
VideoMagical girl staff – paintingProps, staff, magical girl, painting, acrylic paint, metallic paint, layeringStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)
VideoMagical girl staff – fabric and gem accessoriesProps, staff, magical girl, mounting decorations, fabric, gems, resin castsStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)
PNGProp gun tutorialProps, thermoplastic, foamAllison Jakes (War Marchine)

Accessories – Resin, clay, plastic, wire, foam

PDFBrooch and pin tutorialAccessories, broach, pin, sculpting, silicone mold, resin cast, metallic paintingViolet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
PDFWorbla Mask TutorialAccessories, mask, worblaBeautiful Suzuki / Suzuka (Yu Yu Hakusho)
PDFPlaster Mask TutorialAccessories, mask, plasterRimuru Tempest (That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slime)
ImagePlastic cast buttonsButtons, silicone mold, plastic castingKing (Seven Deadly Sins)
VideoHeaddress with fake ears – structureAccessories, fur ears, wireframe structure, craft foamStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)
VideoHeaddress with fake ears – assembly & finishingAccessories, fur ears, craft foam, fake fur, painting, coloringStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)
VideoResin stars casting tutorialAccessories, sculpting, silicone mold, candy mold, coloring resin, resin castStar Guardian Lulu (League of Legends)

Papercraft and books

VideoHow to design spell book pagesReferences, varying lineart and colorsZofis (Zatchbell / Gashbell)
VideoHow to print and assemble pagesCreating booklet layouts for printingZofis (Zatchbell / Gashbell)
VideoTips to create a text blockFolding, sewing, gluing text block, toolsZofis (Zatchbell / Gashbell)
VideoAdding a coverSupplies, special glue, front and back pagesZofis (Zatchbell / Gashbell)
VideoDecorating the coverCorner protectors, painting pleatherZofis (Zatchbell / Gashbell)
ZIP (PDF)Zatchbell Spellbook Colored Print Spreads (6)Printable, colored spell book pagesZofis (Zatchbell / Gashbell)
ZIP (PNG)Zatchbell Spellbook Lineart Pages (4)Uncolored lineart spell book pagesZofis (Zatchbell / Gashbell)